
If you have any questions about the paintings in our catalogue, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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A celebration of the inspirational life of Nelson Mandela. The \"father of South African democracy\" devoted his life to the battle of equality for all South African\'s during the apartheid. He is the image of strength, forgiveness and reconciliation as he never showed anger or vengeance towards his white supremacists who imprisoned him for 27 years.

\"The Chain\" illustrates the evolution of ethnicity rights from Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King\'s achievements from the 1950\'s through to Mandela\'s victory in South Africa, and finally to the election of the first black president of the United States, Barack Obama, in 2008.

Illustrated in this painting are Walter Smith, David Cooper and Ally McCoist. Together they make up some of the best and most loved players and managers in Rangers\' history. Undoubtedly, without their roles and devotion to the team, Rangers wouldn\'t have celebrated the success it has seen over the previous decades or the international recognition it has today.

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